“Driven by Accomplishment & Strength”
Inheriting years of experience and expertise, Finnland Holdings now thrives on a sense of stability and growth, ensuring that the industries we function in flourishes from strength to success. Finnland now operates in multiple industries such as, Real-Estate, Beverage manufacturing, Automobile and Finance.
Established in 2014, our corporate journey has ventured us into industries and markets that continuously gives the opportunity to grow and succeed in the impending. After years in the financial industry, growing from strength to success, our management and our well-versed team of expertise continues to grow and expand into diversified market segments that are untapped and evolving.
In 2018, Mizuki Motor Corporation (Pvt) Ltd was established with the fundamental aim of assembling and manufacturing motor vehicles to suit the local market. Mizuki Motor Corporation aspires to adapt to automobile evolutions, technological breakthroughs and fast-changing consumer preferences in the future.
In 2019, Randiya Distilleries, presently named as Finnland Distilleries was established with the core idea of manufacturing and selling high quality alcohol spirits to the local market. Finnland Distilleries will be expanding into the local and international markets with its premium spirits very soon. Finnland Group continues to grow and thrive in the current markets locally and internationally with an anticipation to have a strong conglomerate arm in Sri Lanka.
“Griffins are usually heroic symbols. The griffin is the animal king of both land and sky, fearlessly protective of their treasures and depicts the strength and courage of a lion.
We at Finnland strive to be real-world griffins, working to the best of our ability to fearlessly protect and provide what you treasure, desire and require.’’
Areas of expertise
Its not just a Group of Companies, its a Family standing out from others

Finnland Holdings Pvt Ltd
No. 123, 3rd Floor, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07. Sri Lanka
Tel : +94 11 211 3325 | Email : [email protected]
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